New to cosmetic treatments? Here’s what to expect at your initial consultation.

Stepping into the world of cosmetic medicine for the first time can feel overwhelming. With so many treatment options and unfamiliar terms. Whether you’re concerned about facial aging, have a specific aspect of your appearance you’re looking to improve, or simply want to explore options for enhancing your natural beauty, your first step is to book a consultation with the clinic or doctor of your choice. This initial meeting is a crucial step in your facial aesthetics and rejuvenation journey, so in this article we have set out to demystify and set out what to expect from your first consultation.

The consultation is designed to be comprehensive, informative, and personalised to help you achieve the best possible results. Here’s a detailed look at what typically happens during a facial aesthetics consultation at The Ghanem Clinic and how it sets the stage for achieving your aesthetic goals.

  1. Discussing Your Concerns: Getting to the Heart of Your Goals

The first and perhaps most important part of the consultation is the discussion about your concerns. This is your opportunity to explain what brought you in and what changes you would like to see. Whether you’re noticing signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots, or there’s a specific feature you’re unhappy with, this is where the conversation starts.

Some common concerns patients bring up include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loss of volume in the cheeks or lips
  • Uneven skin tone or texture
  • Dark circles or puffiness around the eyes
  • Double chin or sagging around the jawline
  • Acne scars or pigmentation

We will listen carefully to your concerns, taking notes on the areas of your face that you would like to address. This initial conversation allows you to explain what you’re hoping to achieve, whether it’s a more youthful appearance, subtle enhancements, or correcting something that has always bothered you. Be as open and specific as possible—this helps us tailor the consultation and treatment options to your individual needs.

  1. A Holistic Look: Lifestyle and Overall Wellbeing

Facial aesthetics are not just about the face in isolation. Many factors can contribute to how your skin ages or the way your face appears over time. During your consultation, we will likely ask about your lifestyle and overall wellbeing. This might seem unrelated at first, but these elements can significantly impact your skin’s health and your aesthetic outcomes.

Common lifestyle factors discussed include:

  • Sun exposure habits and sunscreen use
  • Smoking or alcohol consumption
  • Diet and hydration
  • Stress levels and sleep quality
  • Skincare routine and products you use

Your medical history is also an important part of this discussion. Certain medications, allergies, or underlying health conditions can influence the types of treatments you’re eligible for or may impact healing and recovery times. By understanding your overall health and lifestyle, we can make more informed recommendations and ensure that any treatments are safe and effective for you.

  1. Skin Analysis: Understanding Your Skin’s Health

A thorough skin analysis is often a key part of the consultation process, especially for those seeking facial rejuvenation. This isn’t just about looking at your skin superficially. We also use advanced skin analysis tools allow to assess your skin’s health on a deeper level.

This will allow us to evaluate:

  • Skin type (oily, dry, combination, sensitive)
  • Skin texture and elasticity
  • Sun damage and pigmentation
  • Hydration levels
  • Wrinkle depth and collagen levels
  • Areas of redness, irritation, or acne scarring

Based on our evaluation and detailed understanding of your skin’s condition we are better able to helps recommend the most appropriate treatments, whether you need improved hydration, deeper exfoliation, or treatments to address pigmentation issues.

  1. Outlining Your Needs: Identifying Key Areas for Enhancement

Once we have a clear understanding of your goals, lifestyle, and skin health, we will provide an expert assessment of your facial structure and identify the areas that could benefit from treatment.

During this part of the consultation, we will explain how aging affects facial features over time, classifying resulting issues as volume, laxity and surface related. Issues can include:

  • Loss of collagen and elastin leading to sagging skin
  • Reduction in facial fat pads, which gives the face a sunken look
  • Formation of deep wrinkles due to repeated facial expressions
  • Sun damage or hyperpigmentation that becomes more visible with age

Whether it’s adding volume to sagging areas, smoothing out fine lines, or brightening your complexion, we will give you our considered opio on what treatments are most appropriate.

We will highlight areas where non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments can help rejuvenate your appearance. For instance, if volume loss in the cheeks is a concern, dermal fillers may be recommended. If fine lines around the eyes or forehead are your focus, Botox or other neuromodulators may be suitable.

  1. Exploring Treatment Options: A Customised Approach

Based on your needs and preferences we will walk you through your personal treatment options. These may include:

  • Injectables: muscle relaxant anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, and advanced regenerative biostimulation injectables such as Julaine, Profhilo and polynucleotides are popular options for addressing wrinkles, adding volume, and creating a more youthful appearance.
  • Energy treatments: energlaser resurfacing and microneedling are effective for improving skin texture, reducing pigmentation, and boosting collagen production.
  • Non-surgical Lifting: Treatments like thread lifts or radiofrequency skin tightening can help lift and contour the face without surgery.
  • Surgery: Surgical treatments are the most invasive and require longer downtimes but deliver the most impressive outcomes. If your signs of aging are advanced surgery may well be the only real solution.
  • Skincare Regimens: Professional-grade skincare products and personalized routines may be recommended to improve your skin’s health and prolong the results of treatments.

Using our exclusive traffic light system that categorises treatments by levels of invasiveness and efficacy, we will explain how each treatment works, what the expected results are, and what recovery looks like. We will also let you know how soon you can expect to see results and how long they will last.

  1. Treatment Plan: Recommendations and Costs

Once your consultation is complete, we will create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your aesthetic goals It will outline the specific procedures recommended, the timeline for treatment, and any necessary follow-up appointments.

Your treatment plan will also include a breakdown of the costs. Cosmetic procedures can vary widely in price depending on the treatments involved, the number of sessions needed, and the expertise of your doctor. It will also set out payment options available, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your budget.

  1. After the Consultation: Making Your Decision

After your consultation, you’ll have time to review your treatment plan and think about your options. You don’t need to commit to anything immediately. There is no pressure or obligation to proceed and in fact many people take a time to consider their choices before moving forward. In fact, if you are considering a surgical option, we actively encourage a second consultation. If you have any further questions or need clarification, we are always available to help.


A facial aesthetics consultation is a personalised, informative and helpful experience that sets the foundation for achieving your cosmetic goals. It’s an opportunity to explore treatments that can enhance your appearance and boost your confidence while ensuring that the approach aligns with your lifestyle and skin health. The key is open communication—by sharing your concerns and goals with us, you can work together to develop a treatment plan that’s tailored to you.

Entering the world of facial aesthetics doesn’t have to be daunting. With the guidance of the right clinician, you can take steps toward rejuvenation with confidence.



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